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How to Grow echo $weed_Word1;?>.
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How to Grow echo $weed_Word1;?>
How to grow your own...and why!

Genesis Chapter 1 Verse 11
And God said “Let the earth bring forth grass, the echo $weed_word2;?>
yielding seed,”
Genesis Chapter 1 verse 29.
And God said behold, I have given you every echo $weed_word2;?> bearing
seed, which is upon the face of all the earth and every tree, in which is the
fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you shall it be for meat.
Well I hear it's legal to possess your own echo $weed_word2;?>. However it's still
illegal to sell it. So how are you going to possess it unless you grow
your own. "You may be right, I may be crazy, but it just may be a
lunatic you're looking for." (Billy Joel)
Save yourself pots of money every year, adopt a new hobby and live legally
that's what I say. Imagine the delight of always having good grass
instead of not knowing exactly what you are smoking.
It will be difficult at first for you to comprehend this truth but the time has
come for us to receive. Chapter 22 Revelations "The sacred
leaf", that will heal the minds of the people. Happy are the people
of the millennial . Says my 250 year old bible.
Requirements for how to grow echo $weed_word2;?>:
- One room or container which would need to be at least 5 feet wide x
10 feet long and 5 feet high. (The attic or cellar maybe).
If your using metric and you don't know how long a foot is, try using
the thing on the end of your leg for measuring purposes. Anyway
its only approx. This place would be better if you lined it with
polystyrene or painted it white to reflect the light.
- A place to grow echo $weed_word2;?> your cuttings where a light can be on 24 hours a
day. Or use daylight hours and put your light on over your cuttings
as it goes dark.
- At least one 400 watt lamp. Two would be better. In
fact any amount of lamps depending on the size of your operation.
Don't go higher than 1000 watts, as if you're not there to look after your
plants they could very easily dry out. So anyway, one lamp will
do for about 15 plants, 2 lamps 30 plants. Metal Halide or
High pressure sodium are best.
- One or two lights for raising cuttings Need not be very bright
(anything from 40 watt plus. 2 x 75 watt full spectrum would be good.
Strip lighting or fish tank lighting is ok Hang this lighting over your
cuttings not much more than a foot higher than them is sufficient.
How to grow echo $weed_word2;?> in seed trays, pots or bedding boxes, the type you buy Marigolds in are
good for taking and keeping cuttings in until they root.
- As many 2 litre pots and 7.5Litre pots for transferring as you can
fit into your grow room. Some people just transfer from cutting echo $weed_word2;?> to grow
bag to save work and money.
- Compost, multipurpose will do. Whatever you can afford and
plant food. Plant food can be Baby Bio or tomato food. Make
your own from seaweeds baths, or even find comfrey leaves and let them rot.
Use the juice from the comfrey leaves watered down 20-1.
- Cuttings from a known good echo $weed_word2;?> plant is how to grow echo $weed_word2;?> properly. Or seeds
which we can plant until we find a good strong plant to take cuttings
- Plenty of good quality Water. I use Vortex
energised Water because I believe my plants benefit greatly. They
are always wonderful and bring me into really high states of spiritual
awareness. In which states I have only ever been higher from one other
source. Well maybe two, but who's counting. Its been great.
The Vortex energiser, energises the water coming through the tap so there is
no waiting around for anything to happen. Once you have put your energiser
against your incoming cold water pipe that is all there is to it.
Any water you use from that source will then have lost all memory of the
chemicals which it has had to endure and the straight lines it has had to
travel in. As water passes the vortex energiser it picks up the higher
vibration emanating there and stores that instead. It becomes full of
light and becomes alive again. Since using the Vortex Energiser I have
become very sensitive to anything bad for me as soon as I touch anything bad
I have a pain or bad feeling. Mobile phones just lift my skin I can
not go near them. Same with additives and medicines and other
- Fill your bedding boxes or seed trays with compost, make sure the compost
has been broken down by rubbing it through your hands first, so its a fine
crumbling consistency. Water and make a hole in the center of each cell to
put your cutting into.
- Take echo $weed_word2;?> cuttings at least 2 inches long. echo $weed_Word1;?> Cuttings should have leaves at
the top and a couple of leaves lower down the stem
- Remove the leaves low down on the stem.
- Depending on whether you have perfect conditions, for rooting cuttings,
will decide if you use rooting powder or not. If you decide to
use rooting liquid or powder:- Dip the bottom of the stem, (up
to and including the bit where the leaf or leaves where removed) into
rooting powder or liquid. Then put the cutting into the hole previously made
in the compost in the bedding boxes and firm the compost around the cutting.
Water with water containing a little baby bio or plant food.
- Put under your lighted strip lights the 75 watt ones for 24 hours a day
until new leaves appear at the top of the cuttings this could take 2 - 3
weeks depending again on conditions. Nice warm house for example.
Make sure you check them every couple of days to see if they need watering.
Do not allow them to dry out!
- When you see new leaves appearing this means the cuttings are ready for
transplanting into your 2 litre pots.
- Fill your 2 litre pots with compost. Make sure the compost
has been broken down by rubbing it through your hands first so it is a fine
crumbling consistency.
- Make a hole in the middle of each echo $weed_word2;?> of compost a little bigger than the
root ball of your echo $weed_word2;?> cutting and very gently ease the echo $weed_word2;?> cuttings out of their
original containers. Push them from the bottom rather than pulling
them so much and put these into the 2 litre pots. Water with water
containing plant food.
- Put these into your proper grow room under your 400 watt - 1000 watt
lamps whatever you have. These plants need to live in 12 hours light
and 12 hours dark. E.g.. 7am until 7pm lights off. 7pm until 7am
lights on. It is important that the plants get no light during
the 12 hours of darkness; otherwise it upsets the whole life cycle of the
plant. Under 12 hours of light these plants will grow and begin
to flower. Invest in a timer which will turn your light on and off at
the correct time for you, but check regularly, make sure the timer is
working. Water and feed as usual check your plants at least every 2 days.
2 weeks you will see an amazing transformation. Now fill your 7.5
litre pots with compost again make sure the compost is crumbly. Only
lightly fill the pots, don't go forcing as much compost in as you can and
squeezing it down. Just fill the echo $weed_word2;?> to the brim, and make a hole in
the centre, the size of the 2 litre echo $weed_word2;?>. Measure the hole by placing
the 2 litre echo $weed_word2;?> inside. When you have the correct size, remove the plant
from the 2 litre echo $weed_word2;?>. Hold the plant stem in between your fingers so
that the palm of your hand is holding the top of the plant echo $weed_word2;?>. Turn
the plant upside down and push the bottom of the echo $weed_word2;?>. Place the plant
in your 7.5 litre echo $weed_word2;?> and firm the compost gently around it. Water and
replace in your grow room. Now would be a good time take a cutting or
two from the bottom or top branches of your plants. The soft shoots
root quicker. Remember! Any work done on the plants would need to
be done at the time when the lights are on. Do not upset the plants
hours of darkness.
or two days later, take your cuttings. Start again from step one so
that you have more plants ready and a continuous supply. Your plants
in the 7.5 litre pots are ready for harvest in about another 4 - 5 weeks,
when the white hairs, which are the female flowers, start to go brown.
- To ensure a continuous supply, every time you take a big plant out, you
should replace it. Every time you take a plant out of a middle
size echo $weed_word2;?>, you should replace it, and every time you replant a cutting you
must remember to replace it. Eventually you will get the knack.
Practice makes perfect. If your leaves start to go a little brown you
may be over feeding. A remedy for this would be to water the plants
without any plant food the next time and then go back to feed.
- When harvesting these plants, remember, this is a sacred echo $weed_word2;?>. Do
not kill the plant. Harvest the plant buds and leaves but
leave enough of the plant so that it can regenerate outside in the garden or
greenhouse. These plants will grow back in the summer and probably bigger
than before. Just plant the remaining plant outside somewhere and God
willing it will grow back and you can use it for cuttings and you will also
get a second harvest which will be the proper Santa Maria. Grown
outside in full sun and all its glory.
Harvested/Cutback Plant |
Rejuvenated Plant |
- Another idea would be to keep one of your grown cuttings in your house
somewhere as a house plant. During the summer it will grow well and
could be your eternal stock plant. In winter you will have to put a
strip light over it or behind it so that it doesn't flower and can be kept
as a stock plant for taking cuttings. It is much easier for cuttings
to take root if they are not in flower.
- Do not spray your plants with chemicals of any kind. Keep off
the chemicals altogether. If any bugs start coming into your grow room
ask them to leave. I put one green fly onto another plant and put it
out side I have had no trouble since. If you fight them you will be
infested. The turn around on this operation is so quick that you
should have very little trouble.
- Some people have trouble with red spider mite. You can buy predator
mites which eat these but I think if you wash your pots in water before you
use them you should have little trouble with any thing. I heard one
man burnt all his crop because it had red spider mite. What a waste,
if he would have harvested his plants and hung them upside down, the red
spider mites would run up the stem leaving the buds clean and clear. I
have seen it with my own eyes!
- When harvesting your plants. Dry them quickly in a warm place.
A warm airing cupboard or near a radiator for example. Make sure the
grass is completely dry before you put it away for storage otherwise it will
go mouldy and unsmokable. Once dry, if you can store it for about six
weeks, you will notice it gets much more potent than when it is first dried.
However, if you have a good quality grass, it would be quite good as soon as
it is dried.
- Roll neat cigarettes or inhale through a pipe. If you don't smoke
see other recipes.
Growing hemp from seed
If growing from seed the operation is the same. However not all
seeds grow into a plant with high THC levels which, if we are honest, is what we
all want.
So if you do grow from seed:
- Label your plants i.e. put a number on them. If you do this you can
take a cutting or two from each plant, and after harvest when you find out
if any of them are good, you will know which cuttings are the best.
will also have to watch out for "male" plants and remove them from
your grow room, unless you want a grow room full of seed; and nothing left
to smoke. You can however, take a small bud from a male plant, and do
a little selective pollination. Just dust one branch, separately, away
from all the other plants.
- There are also a lot of varieties of seeds. Some will grow fine if
you put them directly under 12 hours light. Others, like outdoor varieties,
will not grow very well indoors on 12 hours, and would have to be
started off with more light. Outdoor varieties grow very stumpy if put
directly under 12 hours light. Whilst others would grow perfectly
under 12 hours from the very start of germination. When germinating
your seeds put them directly into a small echo $weed_word2;?> of compost and water and get
them into light. If you don't know what type of seeds you have,
you should grow them on the window sill during the day, and in the grow room
at night under your light just for a couple of weeks this should give them
enough of a start in growth before they go in the 12 hour grow room.
Your plants will not flower until they have been in the 12 hour grow room
for a week or two so you will not know whether your plant is male or female
until it is only getting 12 hours light. The plants grow, but will
not flower, on more than 12 hours. That is why cutting lamps
are kept on 24 hours a day, just to get growth.. The plants flower
and grow on 12 hours.
This is the very best of my knowledge. The information I have written
here is true and used.
God Bless. Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, if you pray whilst smoking
echo $weed_word2;?>, its puts you in a higher dimension. Try it! You will
understand more, when stoned, than when straight. I have read a Course in
miracles time after time. The book, is a God send, but you can only really
get to the depth of it when you have had a good smoke. If you find you are
a paranoid person you may find this book truly helpful. When your mind
starts to wonder, thinking things that are not true or that make you feel
bad; you have lost your spirituality. You will know when you are thinking
incorrectly because you will feel bad. Get back to God everyone.
Pray. Read A Course in Miracles. You will be enlightened and your
life will be much better than before. You will be happy. When you
realise that all it takes is for us to start living right, keeping the
commandments, watching out for ourselves instead of looking at everyone else's
errors then the world will be a better place.
Commandment no 1. Love the Lord thy God with all your heart all
your soul and all your mind.
Commandment no 2. Love thy neighbor as thyself.
African Herbsman
Painting by myself.
Love to everyone, Doris the Gardener.
echo $weed_Word1;?> benefits
"Researchers at the National Institutes of Health (US) have found that
two of the constituents of echo $weed_word2;?> can help prevent the brain damage which
often follows a stroke. These are cannabidiol (CBD) and
tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). More research is needed but the scientists
have found that the two chemicals behave like antioxidants (e.g. vitamins C and
E). which give off electrons and protect cells from damage. Lester
Grinspoon of Harvard Medical School commented. "Critics have insisted
for a long time that echo $weed_word2;?> must damage the brain. Now it turns out it
might actually be neuroprotective. (protection for the nerves) I'd
say we've come full circle."
(3534-35) New Scientist 11.7.98 p16
"Martin shows sympathy for medical echo $weed_word2;?> trials"
"THE Minister for Health has expressed some support for
setting up trials in Ireland into the medicinal use of echo $weed_word2;?>. Micheal
Martin said last week that he would be prepared to give "serious
consideration" to granting a licence under the misuse of Drugs Acts if an
application was made to conduct Irish clinical trials into the therapeutic use
of the illegal drug. Sufferers of medical conditions such as multiple
sclerosis (MS) and glaucoma have said that using the drug helps to relieve
symptoms. Martin said he was aware of the claims of benefits from echo $weed_word2;?>
use, but these claims were not supported by medical research. However, he
said if he received an application for a licence under the acts, and this was
approved by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB), he would be prepared to seriously
consider allowing the trials. Any Application made to him for a licence to
research the therapeutic use of echo $weed_word2;?> would have to be referred first to the
IMB. A spokeswoman said anyone wishing to carry out trials would have to
send the data on the planned trials to the IMB for assessment. The board
then makes a recommendation to the Department of Health on whether the trials
should go ahead. The health minister's role would then be to rubber-stamp
the project on the recommendation of the board. MS Society general manager
Michael Dineen said he would welcome the setting up of independent clinical
trials but he believed there were few Irish organisations with the resources, or
the interest, to carry out such trials.
Catherine Cleary
(An Irish Newspaper)
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echo $weed_WORD3;?> GROW GUIDE
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